Who Sits On The Iron Throne? GOT The Season Finale

 Who Sits On the Iron Throne?  GOT The Season Finale 


"When you play the game of thrones you either live or you die"..... chilling words to hear and the start of this whole saga spanning eight seasons. The greatest TV show to ever be aired with a viewership rating of nearly 4 billion comes to an end this Sunday 19th May 2019.


       Episode 5 most would say left us feeling angry, sad, justified and what have you depending on how well you liked Danaerys anyway. We see Danaerys finally give in and go through with the last words of both Olenna Tyrell and beloved Missandei may her beautiful soul rest in peace to her.


Once she burns through the wall destroying all the scorpions, she sets her eyes on the red keep and in that moment, remembers all that she has lost to Cersie and decides to make it personal. She attacks Kings landing with her army, riding on Drogon and lays waste to the capital city, raining dragons fire from the sky, killing its inhabitants both young and old,armed and defenseless.


 Jon snow and his army, Grey worm included, encounter the Lannister army who surrender once the uhm...general state of affairs were acknowledged but for a man who just lost the love of his life to their boss...he doesn't really care. Grey worm proceeds to spear one of them and the army takes that as a cue to engage much to Jon's horror. 

We also finally get the fight we've been asking for, the Hound versus the Mountain who will win?...no one but the fire that consumes them both. Entering Arya's point of view, the carnage laid on Kings Landing can be seen clearly and labeling Danaerys as the villain would seem accurate.


Cersie is trapped in the red keep looking for a way out when she reunites with an injured Jamie*sigh*  She breaks down in tears and eventually hysteria when they realize there's no way out. and so GOT's greatest villain dies with a roof collapsing on her in the arms of the man she loves. seriously?!

The preview for episode 6 shows basically nothing oh HBO! we see Tyrion walking through the ruins of Kings Landing and Danaerys standing before her army, a true Targaryen conqueror. fade to black.

Its clear to anyone that by her actions Dany has painted herself in a negative light and I can't help but feel that's what Cersie was after-to make her just like her. Now what was almost a complete certainty has now become anyone's game. I do feel that there are too many loose ends in the sense that the climax of most character's story arc just end in a GOT-mundane death, i.e beheading,stabbing,burning and whatnot. 

Well I can't tell you much about episode 6 because there's not much to tell but I can tell you that what's going down this Sunday will crush hearts, anger spirits and leave us all feeling nostalgic, wishing for more. So who do you think will sit on the Iron Throne? let me know in the comments below.

www.baladorian.blogspot.com                              www.baladorian.blogspot.com


1 comment:

  1. i love watching game of thorne its one of the best netflix series that ever prodasted on the internet. thanks for sharing such beautiful peace of information. i am currently watching Game of throne season 4


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